Monday, February 25, 2008

The ultimatum is out.

"It is simple. You want her to fight and live, bring me there this instance. You want her to give up and die, ignore this."

Im just pissed and sick and tired of everything, it became so complicated. What is it, what's so hard to carry out dian's wishes, or her last wish? What's so hard of carrying out a person's will? Is it god damn hard? get the no's and make a few calls and its all done ma..!

An example would be:

My men calls me up and say, "Sgt Haz, aku tkde duit nak bayar mak aku nyer obat, bleh pinjam 50? Aku dah ada duit aku kasi ko balik,"

I'd say ok, wait first cuz im praying. About 10 min later I slowly make my way down towards the LRT to the ATM Machine, press a few no's, print out a receipt, and hey presto, all done. A simple TRANSACTION.

Why is it so hard? You got the numbers ryt, why arent you transferring the god beloved money? Ariff msged all of yo to sent me there ryt? When was the dateline?

It was THURSDAY, what day is it today?


I gave you 3 days, 60 hrs full to do a simple task so that I can buy the tix. Immediately. Is this is fucking plot to buy time or what? Is she realli sick over there? or sumting else happened?

That 3 days I wondered and worried and bit my fingernails. It was horrible. It was sickening. Not doing anything.

And that ruzanna. What the hell is she thinking? All I say was," What happened? How bad is it?"

From this statement any mother son can infer that I care and im worried. And what rep did I get?

Some fucked up reply and a whole bowl of piss. And for what? What the FUCK did I do?

I swear to God that if this is a set up, they will pay for all the stress that im facing. But if its not, then I must say they are stupid enough not to understand the whole situation.

Enough said. I don't want to say bad things anymore. I just want to see my dian. My dian. Dats all. And if you ppl are stopping me, then im sorry.

Im sorry.

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