Sunday, March 30, 2008
Got this from sumwhere. Maybe that is the reason why I keep breaking up. And stupid things happen during the relationships. And the reason y sum women i try going after never end up together, or the other way round.
Alhamdulilah. God knows im a good person at heart. And all I need is a woman who would inspire me to all that is beautiful. Amin.
Dat wud say its cool to solat rather than say its cool to be hiphoppy.
Say that its cool to be nice and be what you are and not follow others, and wear what you want to wear as long as it is pleasant, rather than say its kental to wear that, its not fashionable, or gurls wun like it. How do you know girls wun like it? So your saying that you wear stuff to attract attention? Then it concludes one thing. Impressing others for work is ok. But attracting attention proves a point- that wud be an attention-seeker. And attention seekers usually wear masks- in front of others happy, so hip and stuff, but behind at home selekeh tk solat tk tau masak kuaja dgn ibu bapa, and then go n sleep feeling sad and lonely. And actually, dis people are emo themselves. Haha.
Im cool. Cz its cool to be me. Im hazlami. I love what im doing. I have my strengths and weaknesses. But ultimately, it is wiser to follow your heart then follow others. Cz being sumbody else is not cool.
But being a jabbawockie isnt. They are cool. Haha. :D
Do click on it aite to enjoy the music while reading the post
Recap on the things dat happened for the past 2 days.
On fri night after working tirelessly at IRAS, i met up with Izhar with Din and we had our dinner at Cahaya restaurant on the upper floors of Far East. It was not what I call a stupendous meal. My hotplate rice look like glue. Really, not mucus, but a higher level of mucus called glue. Haha. And it taste horrible. I was supposed to order the claypot rice, but it was a wrong decision now. Dah jadi bubor seh tkkan nk suroh makcik tu pi rewind the cooking and ask her not to put too much starch duh!
After which we didnt noe wad to do. So we walked all the way to Cathay only to find out that there is an exhibition about AIDS outside the mall and a few activities was carried out there. Cudnt do much, instead of pouring our ears to the flawed singer-to-be-rocker-but-having-probs-with -his pitching on stage, we poured our beady eyes on the art photography relics hung alongside the huge tent. Damn nice, it actually captures the notion. Goodness i really need the bux now to buy my own cool digi cam thats worth 900 bux!! In the end we got called to take part with sum quiz and surveys but we ended up taking pics with an ang moh hahaha!

Den we walked all the way to Fort Canning park. I do not know why, but we ended up laughing and giggling like a bunch of girls haha! We spotted cool dudes grabbing titties of young womens without noticing haha! Tempat tu memang tempat mengotek and skodeng.
Took sum more pics.. Aku cam malas nk upload ah, so i just take random ones..

Eh budak ni bleh tido plak.

Dengan ajaibnyer din telah mengeluarkan kami berdua dari celahan jejari beliau yg masih segar dengan bauan mee sup fishball yg tk menjadi..

Aku mengtrenspot diriku keluar dari tempat tu ke tandas berdekatan untuk berkumbah najis.

Kami berdua cuba menjadi ahli gusti mengangkat izhar yg terpaut kepada tiang yg kami ingatkan pokok pisang...

Aku dalam proses mengtrenspot diri aku..

Da tengok? Puas? Bleh?
Bleh blah!
PS: I didnt know you wanted that LOTR fairy thingy, I was about to buy it for myself cz i dun think ppl wud buy such things, haha.. :)
And i dun mind being bullied, cz actually i dun care haha! as long as u dun cross the boundaries, which din have tasted alot of times before hahaha, i am very very nice and kind and caring, but step me too much, i'll turn so sour u never wish u'd sucked me.. :D
here comes the sun, do do do do..
here comes the sun, do do do do..
Oh one more thing..
Saturday, March 29, 2008
n ya, after work, it was a hell fun, will update u guys more tmr once i have my sleep..
I'll call it, the journey to west- no east- um, i tot it was north- no no, its by the huge tree, according to the map...
hahahaha.. wokeh, den in the nyt, i heard this guy play on the guitar this song called 'Gadis Gelapku'..
Wad does the phrase mean? As in, gelap meaning a crush? but accocrding to the lyrics he really do loves this person, so it can't be a crush! so wad is it?
maybe a love that the guy thinks he cannot obtain, maybe the girl doesnt give back wad the guy gives, or maybe the guy is shy, and this is how he conveys his feelings to her.. Aww.. dats so sweet ah, unlike nowaday guys who blatantly says, eh bleh mintak nombor? den msges, a few dates, den can say its love? den after dumping her, he'd say we dun have chemistry? well brother, women deserve better than that. period.
And so this is dedicated to those good guys who are gentleman enough to keep their feelings to themselves till the time is really ryt for him to really say the words that are really sincere and just..
Ku mencintaimu, lebih dari apapun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu, sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku...
Ku tahu ku takkan selalu ada untukmu
Disaat engkau merindukan diriku
Ku tahu ku takkan bisa memberikanmu waktu
Yang panjang dalam hidupku
Yakinlah bahwa engkau adalah cintaku
Yang ku cari selama ini dalam hidupku
Dan hanya padamu ku berikan sisa cintaku
Yang panjang dalam hidupku...
Ku mencintaimu, lebih dari apapun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu, sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku...
Ku mencintaimu, lebih dari apapun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu, sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku...
Ku mencintaimu, lebih dari apapun
Meskipun tiada satu orang pun yang tahu
Ku mencintaimu, sedalam-dalam hatiku
Meskipun engkau hanya kekasih gelapku
this song is utterly touching, it really goes straight deep down, i do not know why, but flashes and images of wad cud be, wad cud not be, wad had happen, and the possibilities dat if..
im lost. everytime i hear this song, its like i just go blank, and like my brain auto-isolates my innerself and bring me to a place where i'd usually run away from it.
it shows a lot about me, im a guy who lives in a self-denial world, always saying i can't, i can't, i cannot do it anymore.
maybe i cannot. anymore. but if dats the case, why?
haish. all i need is a person who can make me smile, i kurangkan criteria dia la, takpayah buat i ketawe, stakat gitu ok ah, let me do the jokes.
let me do the jokes. sigh. an unpaid joker.
Oh well, back to slumber land.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I want an Ice cream.
But still it doesnt satisfy me. I paid 1 dollar for that ice cream ok?
But its kinda fun knowing all the loops and hidden crannies of the tax acts. When I work with them, I go with the government. But when im outta of dat freezing place, i would go like-
Koaja je system tekan rakyat.
Haha. *cough* sigh.
Tmr got practical, so at least im up for it i guess.
Oh ya, one more thing. What I noticed there is that, every time I do not have a pen to sign the book-in files and stuff, there would be a girl offering me their pen. And I think this is the only place where I exchanged smiles like every moment. Am I too friendly? *scratches head* or maybe cz I look young and hence they thot im sum 18-19 yr old guy waiting for NS?
Bullshit. Never judge the book by its cover.
I may look young and may act childish sometimes, but decisions made and life exp made me more wiser and made me think more critically about certain issues that affect us as general.
*wipes nose*
I hate being sick. :(
Sunday, March 23, 2008
It was a frenzy, i tell u. First of all, the plan was unplanned. I'll list it out.
1)2.45pm @South View meet up w ma Hongkah Pri Peeps cz Nurizan is getting engaged and im supposed to link up with Aini, Solihin and Nisa.
2)3.30pm bring out ma 2 cuzzie from ma mum's side to go for swensens. Not confirmed
3)4.30pm go out have ice cream @ swensens w ma 4 cuzzie from ma dad's side. Not confirmed too.
4)9am play soccer w ma CCK peeps @ Yew Tee.
5)6pm meet up w Kamarul and ma CCKSS peeps go Beach Rd
6)5-6pm link up w Wanpee go Karaoke
So it was hectic. I totally missed the soccer part cz i woke up late as per norm. Den I went to ma religious class without my bro cz he got sum NUSMS stuff to settle. Finish quite early. So I hitched a ride from this pakcik from dat class to Woodlands Causeway Point. Reason? To burn time and have lunch since I was way too hungry. I actually thought of fainting seh haha. Damn weak. And the reason why I went to CWP was that, god, it has been ages since I ate there. Like what, 2004? That time I always go there have lunch cz I met up w Aishah my first love back then and spent quite sumtime there studying too since CWP is the centre btwn AJC and home. S
So I followed back memory lane, took the same path that I went by a gazillion times back then and went to the food court to have my fav Sweet Sour Chicken Rice at the Cavana Express.
I was msging 4 counterparts at the same time. NO 2 plan went backfired. So I go with NO 3. But shit I suddenly remembered Im supposed to meet up with plan NO 1. So I rushed to the MRT and went to South View. But the shit thing is dat, it was only Aini there. God she was pretty. Haha. The last time I saw her was in 2005. Now look at her, all grown up. Art Teacher summore haha. So we chatted abt past history and crap. Nisa was late as usual. Qisya anak dia plak nk ikot. So we walked to Nurizan's house and met up with Solihin.
He is fat. Period. Ape? Berisi? Taik. Fat means fat. Period. Haha.
We went up and saw the Pengantin. Ok, normal terms ryt, Pengantin is referred to the person getting married. Keyword: Married. But she is just getting engaged. Getting married 2 years later. So why the fuss.
"Mane pengantin? Mane dia?"
Taik. Haha. Ni lah budaya melayu, macam paham je.
We sat and ate and talked hell of a lot of cock. How Aini still got the 's' pronunciation wrong, how I use to bully her, get her to pass her homework around so we can copy haha. Gosh I miss those golden days. No stress. Always playing and having innocent fun. They all brought up a good point too. That I maser Tahun Nippon dulu pantang pompuan pegang tangan lelaki, slalu cakap, "Eh haram!" Hahaha. Sekarang? Muahaha. Tu up to u ppl to decide, aku tknk komeng. Haha.
Solihin was the prat boy who like to draw pics of Spiderman and disturb girls.
Nisa was the attitude girl who got backstabbed by sumone and was put to Vice Head Prefect instead of Head Prefect.
Aini was the good girl- always disciplined, prefect, neat and tidy, scores in art subjects, and the source of my homework distress haha.
Nurizan is totally the gossip girl. All the things, the crushes (blergh, kecik2 dah mentel, tgk aku, buat derk je, cumer tau spider kang aku paling terer di kalangan spider-spider dlm longkang besar) the politics, and stuff.
And me? The alim guy who cannot touch any girl haha. Too holy! And ya, the maths and science guy. Weird. Now dats totally wrong. I totally suck at that. Haha. Oh ya, and also the kid who likes to go ard and catch spiders and butteflies making love and split them into half and play hamsters and draw 'Z' words using chalk on girls' bags for the fun of it and snatch away girls' homeworks cz their handwriting is neat unlike boys and also...
The guy who played fire extinguisher at level 3. Haha. Wad a shitbag.
And after that I met up with ma cuzzies and had ice cream and sent them to the Orchard MRT before hitting back at Cashbox Karaoke to meet up Aisyah.
I was late!!! I reach at 8pm!!!
But that was nothing compared to the fun I had INSIDE the room 13.
Bilik 13.
Di mana dua lelaki dan tiga wanita sirius melaungkan suara yang agak memekakkan.
Oh ya, ada cita sikit.
Sblom ni, wanpee msged me the night before, "Nak karaoke besok? Aku sorang ah, Aisyah bawak kawan pompuan dia."
So I replied,"Bleh ah, member nye pasal, nak ajak yg lain kaki karaoke tak sekali?"
After like 10min, he replied,"Zim tak kasi ah, dia tk nak ramai2."
The question is, sape seh Zim?
So I tanya la,"Zim sape seh? Zimbabwe?"
Hahahahahahahahahha. Rupernyer nama org la haha. The girl at the ORD parade w aisyah is Zim. Abeh aku steb je ckp, Zimbabwe haha. Shh... Hope she doesnt see this entry. :D
But yup, Karaoke was outstanding, esp with wanpee-aisyah clicks. So seporting. Aku setat nyanyi, dorang amek gambar la, pekik telolong la, haha. Zim pon joget dangdut lagi. Hahaha.
Keh thz to aisyah kita ada gambar!! Wee!!

Tula wanpee aku zim and nuri semua nyanyi dgn
bersungguh2 haha..

Ok gak eh quality dia meskipon diambil dari hp.

Muke tak cramp setelah penat melatih otot dibahagian

ZIM AND HAZ.. (kalau campur namer jadi hazim, itu kawan baik aku semasa aku di sekolah rendah dahulu)

Ultimately, it was damn fun ah. Pastu kita orang pegi makan minum pat maner entah..

Joined up dgn kita suhana. Koajar si aisyah, mentang-mentang aku tangan panjang suruh aku picit gambar....
Haha.. Aku nak pegi lagi! Aku nak pegi lagi! Whee..
Today not much, in da morning ada pegi maulid pat umah TG pastu makan and slack pat umah chat dgn din. Hahaha. Yelah, kata abg din, aku ni sbg manusia dgr kata abg2 ni hahaha..
Ok da!
PS: aku semacam kene sampok jugak kot. Entah mengapa niari aku smcm ada kupu-kupu dlm perot aku yg penoh dgn nasi briyani. Sakit perot tak.. =)
Or maybe kene sampok dgn hantu pisang ni..

Saturday, March 22, 2008
I didnt even slp just to wait for a call or an sms saying that im here.
So now I think Im really stupid.
I got punk. Haha.
So back to my simple life. Hmm, where do I setat?
Ok, for nusrah's sake, i think i have sum explaining to do.
But I'll post abt wen the time is ryt. And hey, im never always emo, ok? If I am, I wun be the cheery guy who keeps laughing and talking all the time, just that like I say, ppl have their ups n downs, its always good to express ur feelings, as for me, I share it w ma fam, ma peeps, thru convo, post sajaks online, im just dat type of guy who express his feelings and never admits ma ego by saying, "Im a man, so I keep things to show that im tough!" Im cool w dat, but I love maself, and I respect maself, I love what im doing, I respect ppl, and diff ppl hv diff personalities. But every person is special in their own ways, have their own goals, dreams, and diff ways of expressing what they believe in.
Ma lil bro expresses his anger thru silat.
A friend of mine write songs to show what he thinks.
Basically, life is too great, but the importance of understanding what a person is going thru that counts.
Now thats human. But nowadays ppl lack this kinda stuff, dun u think so?
Look at Palestine.
Ppl know that the peeps there are suffering, but what we lack is the understanding of how sad they feel, the losses they suffer, and all the other crap. Ppl brush it off their minds, and continue living their lives in absolute oblivion. Singaporeans only care about how nice their car is, how to get rich, how to not get themselves fine. But it lacks the concern of an individual over another individual.
Sometimes we need a hero. But ppl always forget that in each and every one of us, there is a hero. And that hero lies in the conscious of our mind, to do the right thing, and the faith in the heart, that everyday we try and help others, even if we cannot, we think about them. Who knows, one day when we are suffering, ppl think about us, and that, my friend, is the key to unravel the secrets about life.
Have you ever wonder why you are in this world? Why you are born w perfect arms, beauty, great health, incredible mind?
And not like those who are born deaf, blind, w syndrome and stuff like that?
The society has grown rapidly. Now I have thoroughly understood what my father told me to think.
"Look at the clock. How come time is going clockwise, when you need anti-clockwise movement to go forward?"
Try and imagine yourselves facing a car that is going forward. From that angle, what do you concur from the direction of the wheels of the car that is going towards you?
Its going anti-clockwise.
As we salvage ourselves to the will of God on the holy grounds of Mecca, the pilgrims turn anti-clockwise around the Kaabah in search of God's mercy.
So are they moving forward or vice versa?
As the turn of time ticks away, society's paradigm shifts to certain death- its as though time is a ticking bomb. The term that I would use is 'moral genocide'. Ppl kill one another not defined as an act of killing, but thru their squared lifestyle; they thought that they are moving towards modernisation- a world of globalisation that would bring us closer to perfection. Perfection. But does modernisation allow young children to scold their mothers, and treat them as their slaves? Does modernisation bring us to 'perfection' when the very fundamental concept that was once idolised such as love, ethics, courage, honour- all that we adore and portray in movies and literature, that we use it as a means to bring us closer to History, all dissolved in the host of materialistic ways of making illusions called 'living in self denial'?
Life is cruel. That is a fact. But do not be swayed by humans who would say and share and impose that since life is hard, we make the better out of it. Enjoy, laugh about it, spend, enjoy, bal bla bla. But being individualistic about it doesnt give us the reason to live and die for.
Hendak mati di hujung kuku
Hendak berkubur di tapak tangan (excerpt from Gurindam Jiwa)
Our forefathers, old philosophers are the very few men and women who visionized the destruction of men at our age. Death is certain. But dying with a reason that I did what I could to see through my age, and that knowing deep in my heart, I have helped a few individuals along the way, thru simplistic norms and means, I would say, I love life.
I Love Life.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008

She is on concert! On the 21st March 2008, not 2009, but 2008! Which means...
21 Mar 08, Fri, 8pm, Theatre
Shit! I wasn't informed! Padanla asek dgr lagu dia on tv suria..
ARGH!!! I want the tix!!
Tapi tkkan nk tgk sorang! ARGH!!! Why didnt I know earlier, at least I could plan it somehow..
I only got to know about it just now, cz im at City Hall ryt now in some cafe, and I walked past esplanade w Taufiq, and saw the huge poster of her there.
Dia nyanyi lagu Biarlah Rahsia jugak!!
Aku baru nak setat syok balik pat dia eversince she sleep w that Datok..
Doll-looking, long eyelashes, slim sweet lips, with that cute eyes, puffy hair, its on her music video Biarlah Rahsia that capture the true essence of her beauty.
Summore in the video she use pink gloss on her lips, black mascara, even her foundation is picture perfect, light brush on her cheeks, cuz she have nice cheekbone so she doesn't need darker powder, just light red powder on her cheeks, plus the nice skin tone, absolutely gorgeous!
Im so unlucky. First, yesterday. Now, today. I have to think of something to bring Lady Luck back on ma side.
If only I got the tix now... ... ...
I would be the world most happy man, and my happiness and laughter will spread and sustain for 2 mths!! Yup, 2 mths!!
It would look very bad on me, esp since I have been her fan every since she is like, the young chic I knew who sang 'Aku Cinta Padamu', and the girl who won Juara Lagu against all odds.
Kriteria kewanitaan untuk aku semua tertera terpancar terbenam tersurat tersirat ter ter ter...
dalam Dato' Siti hahaha!
Dahlah baik, manis, lembut, confident, taat pada mak bapak, agama pon ok, whee... :)
PS: Enjoy the music video.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
dat people just take me for granted?
haz, help me do this? haz help me do that?
haz, i need ur help. haz, im sad. cheer me up.
haz, haz haz.....
Fuck man.
And the phone call was damn depressing. Y do u always like to threaten me? You like dying is it? Den go ahead, die, be jealous, be crazy, be wad u wanna be!!
And leave poor hazlami alone..
Always end up being the punching bag. :(
Den wad? Collect ur dead body on the 21st March? And wad u want me to do? Be sad? Be miserable? Be just like you? So emo like the whole burden of the world is on ur shoulders? That u are the only one suffering..?
Keep on assuming, and blame me for everything.
Listen, if ur reading this, or anyone associated w it.
Now dats being selfish. And i hate woman selling fish. Esp in the market. With their irritating voices and all. "Ni satu kilo, sapuloh linggit!" Taik.
Go away. Leave me alone.
I need a hug.
Bear hug.
Bring me out for ice cream? anyone? :(
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Tuai padi antara masak
Esok jangan layu-layuan
Intailah kami antara nampak
Esok jangan rindu-rinduan
Anak cina pasang lukah
Lukah dipasang di Tanjung Jati
Di dalam hati tidak ku lupa
Sebagai rambut bersimpul mati
Batang selasih permainan budak
Daun sehelai dimakan kuda
Bercerai kasih bertalak tidak
Seribu tahun kembali juga
Burung merpati terbang seribu
Hinggap seekor di tengah laman
Hendak mati di hujung kuku
Hendak berkubur di tapak tangan
Kalau tuan mudik ke hulu
Carikan saya bunga kemboja
Kalau tuan mati dahulu
Nantikan saya di pintu syurga
The thing about malays is that they fail to understand this song. The failure of understanding a simple puisi renta like this is a failure of the society itself.
Kata P.Ramlee, "Bahasa menunjukkan bangsa tau.."
The trick to understand the puisi lama is to not notice the first two lines, but the next two lines. However, there are some puisi lama dat incorporates the moral message which is usually written at the last two lines with the "kata-kata bunga" which is the first two lines of the sajak.
For example,Anak cina pasang lukah
Lukah dipasang di Tanjung Jati
Di dalam hati tidak ku lupa
Sebagai rambut bersimpul mati
Dari sini kita lihat, stansa pertama dan kedua menunjukkan perbuatan seorang cina memasang lukah, di Tanjung Jati..
Namun begitu, ia tidak berkait dgn stansa ketiga dan empat. Ungkapan 'hati tidak lupa, sbg rambut bersimpul mati' memberi kita satu pengertian tentang perasaan kedua kekasih yg saling menyintai, sehingga susah ia melupakan seseorang itu baik dari segi rupa maupun tingkah laku, bak rambut bersimpul mati di mana rambut itu susah untuk di huraikan kembali.
Puisi ini menggunakan perkataan2 yg menceritakan tentang situasi pada masa itu, di mana kawasan perkampungan dan saling usik-mengusik antara sang kekasih berlaku pada zaman dulu.
Burung merpati terbang seribu
Hinggap seekor di tengah laman
Hendak mati di hujung kuku
Hendak berkubur di tapak tangan
Dari stansa pertama dan kedua kita faham akan beberapa burung yg berterbangan lalu singgah di laman. Namun dari seribu burung, hanya satu berkumbun di 'tengah' laman.
Ia menunjukkan pertarungan, dari sudut kompetitif seorang kekasih kpd seorang perempuan yg dikasihi. Di mana seribu burung yg berterbangan, hanya satu yg ingin hinggap di tengah laman, bukan di tepi, hujung dan sbginya. dan burung ini hanya seekor saja, dan bukan seribu. Mentelahan, ia menunjukkan bahawa burung ini ingin memiliki laman yg tengah, di mana tiada burung yg boleh hinggap bersamanya, seperti mana kita lazim lihat perwatakan burung selalu berterbangan dan berehat bersama-sama.
Kendatipun, dari stansa ketiga, kita lihat bagaimana perkataan, 'hendak mati di hujung kuku' mengkukuhkan lagi daya kompetitif sang kekasih tersebut. Beliau tidak mahu mati di mana2 kecuali di 'hujung kuku'. Lazimnya seorang yg mati, beliau akan pandang ainnya keatas saolah2 melihat ruhnya keluar dari jasad. Maksudnya, manusia mati atas sebab sakit, uzur dan sebagainya mati di 'hujung kepala'. Namun begitu, sang kekasih ini tidak mahu mati begitu. Beliau ingin mati 'di hujung kuku'- mati dalam pertarungan, bagi menunjukkan kekuatan cintanya kpd kekasihnya. Biar mati muda pertahankan cinta, dari mati tua berpantang uzur, kata org. Dan stansa empat juga mengkukuhkan lagi stansa ketiga dan sbginya.
Dari sini kita lihat rangkai hubung puisi tersebut. Ia indah, saling berhubung kait antara satu dengan yg lain. Indah bahasa, indah rupa. :)
And from here, we can conclude that this puisi is a treasure to the root of our culture.
And for those who are real malays, gosh, pls read up can or not? im a javanese, i shud be studying bahasa indonesia but instead, i can say im better in malay lingua den sum who can't even speak malay properly.
"Mengata dulang paku serpih. Mengata orang dialah yg lebih!!"
Haha.. Dun think negative about me, dat one is a joke on me. :D
I love malay. :)
Oh anyways, im working @ IRAS at Novena from Tues onwards w Din and possibly Wanpee. Haha, its gonna be cool, 3 idiots typing like mad in a small cubicle. Absolutely delicious..!
"YATA..........!" *hands thrown out wildly*
Im hungry.
For an adventure.
PS: Im still a chicken. Puck puck puck! :D
Oh ya, I got a TEKA-TEKI for ya.
Dalam banyak2 mee, mee aper bleh nyanyi dan joget?
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Guess?! :D
Sunday, March 16, 2008
How come the people voted DAP and now regret their decision, the fact that the 'Bumiputra' rights could end up a scrap project?
How could a Muslim family decide to turn against their own religion when a Muslim maid was not allowed to pray in claims of jealousy?
How could the society allow maids to continue be tortured, and not allowed the freedom to practice faith?
Why is arwah Atok Aki's gaunt face keep flashing thru my brain all the time?
Why am I still sad over the loss of a best friend who died in the Taiwan plane crash?
What makes a man, a man?
Is it his d***, or the responsibility that he bears himself?
Why is my electric guitar became out of tune?
Why am I singing, "Gurindam Jiwa" all of the sudden when Im bathing in the toilet?
...Tuai padi antara masa... Esok jangan.. Layu layuan... Intai kami, antara nampak.. esok jangan, rindu-rinduan.....
Burung merpati terbang seribu... Hinggap seekor, di tengah laman.. Hendak mati.. Di hujung kubur.. Hendak berkubur, ditapak tangan..
klau tuan mudik kehulu.. carikan saya, bunga kemboja... kalau tuan mati dahulu...
nantikan saya dipintu syurga...
Why am I still coughing?
Why am I having a mental block that is making me lose patience coz I cannot write the essay to NUS and also finish up the sajak that was due last month?
Why did I even LOSE my Koleksi Sajak black book?
Why am I so careless?
Why am I becoming lazier by the minute, yet dreaming all the time?
Why does the clock turn clockwise and not anti clockwise just like the pilgrimage muslims making a tawaf round the Kaabah?
Are we moving forward or moving backwards then?..
Why everytime I massage mum's leg, I find myself in a place where Im touching her cold feet and there is a white cloth covered over her lifeless body?
Going for a run to clear my brain. Da..
And as the episode unfolds, he grabbed his bag and forced it inside his pocket, unsure of what would happen next..
Saturday, March 15, 2008
You see, in marketing, if you want to market yourself, you need to STEP UP! Make the pics as big as posters, big banners, big tables, big crowd, and blast musics from amps (you can put like, Yassin music or sumting liddat yea, haha) and then yes, alot of small pieces of souvenirs and stuff liddat. Professional Letterings is needed people. Get a grip man! Duh. If my bro becomes the President or sumting liddat, things are gonna change with me around.. :D
Next to the boring booth was Photographic Society. Thou its boring, I guess they made the facts right. They do have nice big pics to showcase sumting. Im gonna buy a good camera and join them, thou it as equivalent to a boring loser, but who cares?! All im up for is the knowledge of photography itself. It is very subjective, and it makes you awe in wonderment when you capture something that portrays a piece of what they call life.
After that, I walked around to the A.S.Sc. Nice.. Im gonna enjoy my stay there haha!
Anyways, after Zuhr, I met up w Din, and the fact that he didnt say thank you for mt effort of taking the MRT from Clementi all the way to Kembangan just to see him proves one point- guys are just as insensitive as a cow. Haha.
Talk cock, more cock, with includes about fantasies of being rich and building a wharf just beside a 3-story house with a lift and a helipad. And then met up with Nusrah and off we went to find food at Geylang.
Upon reaching there, I discussed w them about my views of the Malay Society. The absolute mess in Geylang shows that thou we are clean-incest creatures, we couldn't care less about the environment. Take Malaysia for example. :D so much for "Keep Malaysia Clean, Throw Rubbish to Singapore" shirt I saw at the background of a news clip in Berita Harian.
Then we ate and talk and ate and more talk. Haha. I had the most delicious food that day. Nasi Mutiara. Seasoned sliced meat, curry-flavoured rice and a telur mata lembu. And the rest had suck food- Nusrah had like ingus-looking mee hong kong, where as Din's Tom Yam taste like Tom "too-much" Yam haha.
Then we went to talk more cock @Vivocity, while waiting for Aisyah and Wanpee and the rest to link up. Din tried to get tix at last min but it was sold out. Poor guy. Haha.
Oh btw..
STEP UP 2 was totally AWESOME!!
Hell yeah it was!! Moves as slick as the tip of the iceberg they say. Funkier then the first. The girl was absolute hot. Period. And yeah, there was the kissing scene in the rain, which totally puts the show down again.
I think I wanna watch it again. Then try some of the moves at home. Haha. Only at HOME that is, dun wan to embarass myself haha!
And yes, ORD nite pics are up next. And I got 2nd prize! Woho! A cool sleek Phillips DVD RECORDER! NICE...
Oh ya, Nusrah did mention something, and im just too shy to admit it haha. I dun noe why im like this, but im a shy person no doubt about that, shy is good, cuz shy means the person have his personal barriers so that he isnt flimsy enuf to play around with women. Now thats a playboy. And im no toyboy. Haha.
So yeah, hmm... *thinkin*...
*more thinkin*...
Off to sleep. ZzZzZ...
PS: Oh ya, dis is the song that I played on Guitar yesterday, the one I kept thinking and thinking about it haha! And yea, call me Haz the chicken who cannot even tag a hi in a tagboard. Chicken. Chicken. Puck Puck.
I'll tag tomorrow. ZzZzZz
Oh wait, I cant sleep.
Im going for a run. Bye.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
ORD Pics!!
From left:
Fairuz. wanpee, Encik X, Din, Me, Taufiq, Sufian.
Gosh i miss those days!
The Apache Family, made up of the Malay Infantry Squad haha..

Alpha, Bravo and Charlie Specs: Always together, allied in strength and power.

Abdillah w his stupid antics.. (e guy w the hp)

I wonder why there is a CPL among the seargants... :D
Oh ya, the medic over there is lepak, haha, i once fucked his MO during a night walk, and he saw it all. Dun blame me, I have night blindness, how the hell do I know it is MO when he is alr so dark... Hahaha!

Me, wanpee, PC Wei Jie, Bear, Din
Oh bear, thanks for the electric guitar, it was awesome dude.
Willy Choo, Izhar Rizman, Benjamin Tjoe, Ridzwan, PC, Haz
The Backbone of Alpha
The Stronghold of 4SIR
Eagles we Fight!! Till the End!!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Reply to Food for Thought
1) Did you say im myopic? Yup, i am, in fact today im just about to buy a new pair of specs after I sell my hp.
2) The fact that I put expectations on people is simple. Life has its own expectations on us. God has His expectations on us written on His Holy Book. Your mum and dad has their expectations on u. How come when it comes to friends it becomes a negative thing?
Anyways, it is a good expectation. Being late is wrong. Making promises and not adhering to it is wrong. It falls under the word, 'amanah'. Amanah is a characteristic of the Prophet.
Expectation on people is necessary. It brings about a protective barrier so that you choose your friends wisely. We are not here in this world to make a fool out of ourselves. We are not here to make dunia friends. Its the akhirat friends, friends that bring you closer to God, in times when you want to have fun, he says, Hey buddy, its prayer time, let's go to the nearby mosque/surau. That is a fact. A fact of life. When you put expectations on others, people put expectations on me as well. In fact I think you say it all nicely but you yourself wun admit that you too put expectations on others. Expectations are not equivalent to judging the person. A person can never judge another person, because he/she did not create the being. Only God can, and all of us will be judge by Him in Thereafter. Some people have some certain expectation on me, it is on my part whether I wanna reach that expectation on my behalf or not, whether I need to be flexible on some issues, or stand on my fundamental principles.
Do not be emotional on this. Instead, think of it as a constructive way to help build yourself up. Im not a perfect person either. Im trying to subject myself to the absolute plan called 'The will of God'. And so you must too.
I apologise for what I did, it might be irrational, but who doesnt? :)
3) Deny the truth? Explain. What exactly is the truth? Who says it is the truth? Facts? Evidence? Logical explanation?
Truth is then basically a definition used by us humans to either strengthen our beliefs on a certain issue, or as a reason to live.
They can say that Mas Selamat is a terrorist. People say it is the truth. Some say it is not. Then truth becomes a subjective matter. Ryt?
If there are evidences to support that he is a terrorist, can it still be called 'truth'? Who provided the evidences then?
Everything in life is subjective, for the matter. Only one thing is true. That God is the Greatest, and He is Perfect.
I know you are emotional. How? It is simple. You use words like, 'How sad.." n etc, its like menyindir, or are you? Kata org, sapa makan cili, dialah yg rasa pedas.
Humans are complex, but yet there are some things that are so obvious it becomes a common trait. When people face a certain issue that deals with them, they become defensive, and being defensive itself shows a certain amount of emotional discomfort.
I apologise. And May God help us all. Amin.
PS: I got loads of pics to share. ORD nite was the best. And ya, i think the tagger is a girl. Haha. Girls. *slaps forehead* so emotional. Thats the reason why God gave the knife and the butter to man. And then man destroys the knife and the butter, thinking that he could change the world.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Truth or Lies- As told by me
Mas Selamat breaks out
Or did he?
I just checked the Chapter for Acts under Terrorism. A phrase struck me instantly.
Arrest without trial.
How can that be possible? So are you saying that for the past 6years he hasnt been into a Hight Court to testify his own actions? Then where lies the absolute foundation of what we call democracy?
"To build a democratic society.. Based on justice and equality.." [excerpt from SPORE PLEDGE]
Some might argue that, "do little evil for the greater good."
Well if that's the case then just shoot Saddam in the head, for what reason do you make him go through all the court crap?
And his breakout, isnt it weird how a weak old limping man escape a security tight detention? How did he do it? Is there someone inside working with him, or is just that the people inside have evidence that he is absolutely innocent?
The public does not know. There are some that do not even care. All they say is, "He is a terrorist!" without calculating the odds that, hey, he didnt stand trial for his own actions, perhaps he wasnt a terrorist after all, just put to blame for a crime he might not commit.
The public demands the truth. The public is a thinking public. It has been quite a while since we kept quiet, with raising GST of over 7% and yet nothing to help us waiver the cost. A lump sum of money can never cover the rising cost of stuff. My father has been in the govt sector for almost 2o years, and yet he has been waiting for a pay raise. When they cut our CPF years ago with claims to bring investment into the country, and when the wealth of the investment is given, they promised to increase the govt sector pay. But then again, recently, they say that the increment of govt servant salary is only in accordance to their holding post. In simple terms, the Ministers get higher pay, thousands of dollars, and what do we get? A mere $50 increment a month.
And we vote for them, so that one day they can serve us. Not us serving them. That's what a government is. They help the public, not we serving them. I must admit that the situation is sophisticated in Singapore and it is irrelevant to compare. But the point is, when the govt does, "little evil to do greater good" we suffer. How can we trust the system when the system keeps pinning us down.
And with this case discussed, it is adamant that there are some things that the government is not being transparent. The NKF case was only leaked out when the journalist investigated it.
The people of Singapore has yet to recognize our rights. Hence, it is our fault for not being thoughtful and thorough in making rational thinking of any issues faced by this country. Being the kiasu people, we have yet to reach the "Power to the People" episode in this chapter.
Hence I beg the public, to reconsider your thoughts, and claim your rights, for we are responsible for each other and ourselves. If Mas Selamat is really a terrorist, show us. Capture him, and bring him to High Court. The least he could do is to testify and stand accounted for his own actions. And then the verdict for the people. Then it is justice.
Eating Habits
Do you know that the more you eat, the more destructible the food in your body gets?
I found out that eating habits and the stomach have very much links with everything. Character, body etc.
Sufism practice of eating "not moderately" but "when required" is shared among many other health activist, including yoga fanatics and nutrionist. The food pyramid only provide the general guide to the public, but yet as an individual, one must control the amount of food that enters our stomach.
The logic begins here. As you eat more, it intensifies your negative needs or desires like sex, basically. The temptation to spend increases eg: the desire to eat nicer food increases. Hence, expenditure increases. When the need for money is crucial, the value the money holds becomes far higher than morality. With money comes the love of pride. Pride to show off, to show your stature. And hence with that, the seed of hate and jealousy is planted in our hearts.
Simple? Haha.
Imam Ghazali states the pros and cons for the eating habit.
1) Hunger makes someone a better person morally.
2) Hunger makes a person cleverer. This is scientifically proven, that the amount of energy and time spent to digest the food in your stomach is wasted compared to how it can be used to think. Simply to say, when you are full, your lazy and you just want to sleep or do nothing. Try eating to your max and then study. Feeling sleepy? Yea, brain not working yups!
3) Hunger fights the desire for temptations. Usually, people eat before they have sex, right? Have dinner, walk around, aroused, and presto, another problem.
4) Hunger fights sleepiness. (proven)
5) Hunger fights the need for wealth. As you might wonder, the 4 great caliphs after the Prophet SAW didn't eat much. Abu Bakr ate once every 6 days. Omar Ibnu Khatab eats once every 3 days. Ali? He doesn't even have money to buy food. But yet their outstanding contributions to not only the Islamic Establishment but the World is none comparable.
6) Being full doesn't promote generosity. An example would be, how willing are you to give alms to a poor lady sitting outside a restaurant when you are~ a) going inside
b) going out
Of course you would want to give her alms before you enter the restaurant, knowing that im having a nice lunch but this lady isn't.
7) Hunger makes people go to the mosque more often than to the toilet.
8) Hunger makes ibadah easier to do. an example would be during the fasting month. You do more ibadah in Ramdhan as compared to other months. Y? Think.
But according to Maxwell Theory, a hungry man is an angry man.
There are a few of my friends who are willing to kill someone and be very nasty and moody when they are hungry. But then Imam Ghazali says that hunger is good. So how?
Actually, its all about the reason why you want to be hungry.
The niat is important. If you are hungry because of your stomach, then it'll be like the people in Africa where they kill each other for food. But if you're hungry because of God and wanting to do good, then I would say it'll just be like fasting. :)
So don't eat much ok?
Yesterday was bad. I ran so far from 6.15am and reach your block around 5min before 7, and waited for 30 min till my body is absolutely cooled down, and I ran back home, checked my msg, and found out that you overslept because you slept at 5am?? What did you do? Clubbin??
Then if that's the case don't make any promises about wanting to run with me, cause there isn't any effort put in. You know that you're gonna run with me at 7am, and yet you sleep at 5am, is that considerate? Even if you come down, I'd sent you straight back up. I ain't running with people who sleeps 2 hrs only. Goes to show that there wasn't any effort at all. Sigh. What you want, what you need, I put in effort to help. Tsk3. So much for promises.
I hate it when people cannot keep what they have promised. It goes to show that they never appreciate what I did for them.
And im not going to Australia. Not ever. NEVER. There's always stupid problems that props up whenever I wanna go there. I ain't trusting nobody. NO ONE.
What a fuck life.
Hey, fuck is like the general term for everything eh? I am fucked. I fuck. Fuck you. What the fuck? I feel fucked up. He looks like fuck. Hahahahaha. It's not a vulgarity anymore. Oxford, get the fuck here and include the fucking fucked up "fuck" word in your fucking fucked dictionary. Hahahaha. *slaps forehead"
Im hungry :p