Monday, March 03, 2008

Truth or Lies- As told by me

Ok, there is alot for me to blog about, so I will be splitting dis post into 3 sections.


Mas Selamat breaks out

Or did he?

I just checked the Chapter for Acts under Terrorism. A phrase struck me instantly.

Arrest without trial.

How can that be possible? So are you saying that for the past 6years he hasnt been into a Hight Court to testify his own actions? Then where lies the absolute foundation of what we call democracy?

"To build a democratic society.. Based on justice and equality.." [excerpt from SPORE PLEDGE]

Some might argue that, "do little evil for the greater good."

Well if that's the case then just shoot Saddam in the head, for what reason do you make him go through all the court crap?

And his breakout, isnt it weird how a weak old limping man escape a security tight detention? How did he do it? Is there someone inside working with him, or is just that the people inside have evidence that he is absolutely innocent?

The public does not know. There are some that do not even care. All they say is, "He is a terrorist!" without calculating the odds that, hey, he didnt stand trial for his own actions, perhaps he wasnt a terrorist after all, just put to blame for a crime he might not commit.

The public demands the truth. The public is a thinking public. It has been quite a while since we kept quiet, with raising GST of over 7% and yet nothing to help us waiver the cost. A lump sum of money can never cover the rising cost of stuff. My father has been in the govt sector for almost 2o years, and yet he has been waiting for a pay raise. When they cut our CPF years ago with claims to bring investment into the country, and when the wealth of the investment is given, they promised to increase the govt sector pay. But then again, recently, they say that the increment of govt servant salary is only in accordance to their holding post. In simple terms, the Ministers get higher pay, thousands of dollars, and what do we get? A mere $50 increment a month.

And we vote for them, so that one day they can serve us. Not us serving them. That's what a government is. They help the public, not we serving them. I must admit that the situation is sophisticated in Singapore and it is irrelevant to compare. But the point is, when the govt does, "little evil to do greater good" we suffer. How can we trust the system when the system keeps pinning us down.

And with this case discussed, it is adamant that there are some things that the government is not being transparent. The NKF case was only leaked out when the journalist investigated it.

The people of Singapore has yet to recognize our rights. Hence, it is our fault for not being thoughtful and thorough in making rational thinking of any issues faced by this country. Being the kiasu people, we have yet to reach the "Power to the People" episode in this chapter.

Hence I beg the public, to reconsider your thoughts, and claim your rights, for we are responsible for each other and ourselves. If Mas Selamat is really a terrorist, show us. Capture him, and bring him to High Court. The least he could do is to testify and stand accounted for his own actions. And then the verdict for the people. Then it is justice.



Eating Habits

Do you know that the more you eat, the more destructible the food in your body gets?

I found out that eating habits and the stomach have very much links with everything. Character, body etc.

Sufism practice of eating "not moderately" but "when required" is shared among many other health activist, including yoga fanatics and nutrionist. The food pyramid only provide the general guide to the public, but yet as an individual, one must control the amount of food that enters our stomach.

The logic begins here. As you eat more, it intensifies your negative needs or desires like sex, basically. The temptation to spend increases eg: the desire to eat nicer food increases. Hence, expenditure increases. When the need for money is crucial, the value the money holds becomes far higher than morality. With money comes the love of pride. Pride to show off, to show your stature. And hence with that, the seed of hate and jealousy is planted in our hearts.

Simple? Haha.

Imam Ghazali states the pros and cons for the eating habit.

1) Hunger makes someone a better person morally.

2) Hunger makes a person cleverer. This is scientifically proven, that the amount of energy and time spent to digest the food in your stomach is wasted compared to how it can be used to think. Simply to say, when you are full, your lazy and you just want to sleep or do nothing. Try eating to your max and then study. Feeling sleepy? Yea, brain not working yups!

3) Hunger fights the desire for temptations. Usually, people eat before they have sex, right? Have dinner, walk around, aroused, and presto, another problem.

4) Hunger fights sleepiness. (proven)

5) Hunger fights the need for wealth. As you might wonder, the 4 great caliphs after the Prophet SAW didn't eat much. Abu Bakr ate once every 6 days. Omar Ibnu Khatab eats once every 3 days. Ali? He doesn't even have money to buy food. But yet their outstanding contributions to not only the Islamic Establishment but the World is none comparable.

6) Being full doesn't promote generosity. An example would be, how willing are you to give alms to a poor lady sitting outside a restaurant when you are~ a) going inside
b) going out
Of course you would want to give her alms before you enter the restaurant, knowing that im having a nice lunch but this lady isn't.

7) Hunger makes people go to the mosque more often than to the toilet.

8) Hunger makes ibadah easier to do. an example would be during the fasting month. You do more ibadah in Ramdhan as compared to other months. Y? Think.

But according to Maxwell Theory, a hungry man is an angry man.

There are a few of my friends who are willing to kill someone and be very nasty and moody when they are hungry. But then Imam Ghazali says that hunger is good. So how?

Actually, its all about the reason why you want to be hungry.

The niat is important. If you are hungry because of your stomach, then it'll be like the people in Africa where they kill each other for food. But if you're hungry because of God and wanting to do good, then I would say it'll just be like fasting. :)

So don't eat much ok?



Yesterday was bad. I ran so far from 6.15am and reach your block around 5min before 7, and waited for 30 min till my body is absolutely cooled down, and I ran back home, checked my msg, and found out that you overslept because you slept at 5am?? What did you do? Clubbin??

Then if that's the case don't make any promises about wanting to run with me, cause there isn't any effort put in. You know that you're gonna run with me at 7am, and yet you sleep at 5am, is that considerate? Even if you come down, I'd sent you straight back up. I ain't running with people who sleeps 2 hrs only. Goes to show that there wasn't any effort at all. Sigh. What you want, what you need, I put in effort to help. Tsk3. So much for promises.

I hate it when people cannot keep what they have promised. It goes to show that they never appreciate what I did for them.

And im not going to Australia. Not ever. NEVER. There's always stupid problems that props up whenever I wanna go there. I ain't trusting nobody. NO ONE.

What a fuck life.

Hey, fuck is like the general term for everything eh? I am fucked. I fuck. Fuck you. What the fuck? I feel fucked up. He looks like fuck. Hahahahaha. It's not a vulgarity anymore. Oxford, get the fuck here and include the fucking fucked up "fuck" word in your fucking fucked dictionary. Hahahaha. *slaps forehead"

Im hungry :p

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