Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Reliving John Lennon's dream.
This one is more cool.
As an artist he viewed the world in abstract. And he emphasized on how important it is to change our perception not like how 'the Maoist did.. why do you need to stand in front of a policeman with a red communist flag and go bla bla bla like tt.. need to attack in a way the establishment cannot understand in order for them not to kill it.'
True. Very true. He recognized the power of ideas among normal people and so he pushed his ideas into music to stir not propaganda like how the Malaysians did, but to make the people think hard and reflect and thus create a new revolution of people with a common mindset that comes not from leaders but from themselves. That was his state of euthopia.
And to think tt actually drug addicts are drug addicts because they live in fear. Fear truly underminds the way people act and react. And everything tt we do is actually based on fear. Even in Islam, the foundation we stand upon is fear. Fear of God. Fear of His limitless Power. So he actually tries to advocate on how actually 'a state of numbness' can overcome that fear and bring about love. That state of numbness can be applied to Islam in an extent. We live in fear, fear of God's wraith, fear of God's Power and Mercy, and so we pray. When we pray, by focusing on One God, everything disappears, everything crumbles and perish, for we stand upon the word 'There is no other god but Allah' and so to say all perish under His Might. And thus we reach a state of numbness- a space of nothingness but only Allah exist.
Even in life we do things in fear. We search for companionship with women because we fear of insecurity and lonliness. We eat because we fear of being hungry. We run because we fear of getting obese. We go out to meet friends and enjoy because we fear of losing the ones we love. Unconsciously, we succumb ourselves to fear. And so John Lennon encourage us to not live in fear. Im not saying you guys and girls need to take drugs. Haha. But what im saying is that to not live in fear is the key to love. Love is what the world needs right now.
Look at the Palestinians. They constantly live in fear. Look at the Israel. They themselves are in fear. Fear of living in another episode of genocide.
John Lennon.
Gosh I want those specs!
And a Yoko as well.
Apek, satu Yoko katai ngan satu cermin mata bulat express!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2am in the morning.
Parents can sometimes turn a blind eye to whatever your contribution you have done in your life, when their egos are tested, so I've noticed. They cause a tantrum everytime you raise an issue as an adult, thinking that you're not adult enough to discuss about it. Firstly, im 21 going 22, and I have proven myself worthy in countless occasions on my loyalty, leadership and presence in the family. There is absolutely no doubt about it. Sacrificing for the family in my point of view is crucial- top priority, in order to sustain an important balance between good and evil in my life. But like I say, that can all go down the drain when parents tend to view their authority over the whole issue, and being oblivious that actually by fact, it was me who had a a major share of it in the issue. Yes you have paid the sum of money, but it was me who facilitated the whole thing, and whenever you needed help I was almost always there to assist, despite the fact that your persuasion in the matter of help can be quite rough and authoritative. Oh come on is it so hard to say, please? Or say nicely? Why must it sound like an order, and like, just barge into my personal space and demand something, in an almost PRC-like tone, and expect something to be done. Im not a student dad. Im your son. I think you kinda forget tt. Sheesh. And mum just kept quiet cuz she knew I'd be sad about it and with her eyes looking at me like that when she open the door and saw me keeping my mouth shut, on my bed, in a distant look, she ask if i have eaten and quietly close the door. She know the drill- I'd complain to her tomorrow when dad's at work. That way this stupid feeling can go away. Sweet mum.
I dreamt about how it was back then. It was simple. I used to have this strong pillar of reliability on my godsisters. And there was diana. There was my buddy Khairul whom I always ponder at awe how he could actually make things look funny all the time. There was Aisyah whom I share almost everything with her. And now look at me.
Back then it was beautiful. When I feel sad or happy, I can have a cup of ice cream with Aisyah, Isz, and many other friends in JC. I mean, its not about how ice cream can solve a problem. Men think in an almost robotic-like practical system- he view things in perspective, and tries to secure a solution to the problems he is facing unlike women who just need emotional comfort. Its about the type of friends I use to have. Aisyah is that sweet soft person who can really reach out to anyone, and have that smile that can cheer a person instantly. Khairul has that ability- almost Samir-like. And Diana is really objective. And I do have the Malay Excos at my support, people like Farhanah and Suli and Muni. So I've noticed.
I have many female friends and only a small number of guy friends. Why do I result myself into woman? That is the issue im pondering now. When Dian was alive, I shunned all my female friends and just combined all those female friends I have into one, thinking that it was the best solution. So when she passed away, things became quite messy.
I always believe, in my point of view, that having a best mate and a best female friend is crucial. It kinda strike a balance in life- both are able to give a balance opinion. However, having a group of female friends is also crucial cuz you cannot rely or depend on a singular perception from women, it needs to be as a whole. unlike guys, cuz guys are just so typical. One guy is all it takes to share. Haha.
And you don't play the guitar over the phone to a guy ryt? haha! I used to sing on the phone to my godsisters, whichever is free. Its just a way to express myself, not a flirtatious action.
But look at me now. Limited in numbers. Limited in time. I seriously cannot wait to uni. Back to a student life. An institution where you are able to orientate or communicate with people. When you work you don't communicate much. Its just work, and home. And home, to work. My optimism view of life is getting thinner. I hope it doesn't reach danger levels. Cuz if it does, then I guess I'd be as miserable as an apek who never buy 4D but number strike lottery.
I can't wait to stimulate my mind in books and intellectual comodity. I can't wait to be compliant to a fixed schedule of mugging and studying w friends, jamming, dancing, things tt used to fill up my life. The alma matter of my life is now all based on the clock ticking to July next yr.
I can start all over again. I can reach out to the need again, find time for community work again. I can discuss with people a common subject to ponder. Oh its so exciting. And I can also curse at myself on how stressed up I've become when the exams comes. Haha.
I believe it all comes down to a singular word.
I need a challenge. A certain injection of adrenaline.
PS: Yo Harold buddy, bring me out and let's do something crazy.
PPS: I actually share the same likings with my cuzzin Aizud about this song. I shall jam with you guys Oasis fanatics soon.
If I'd to fall, will you be there to applaud
Or would you hide behind them all.
Cuz if I have to go, in my heart you grow.
That's where you belong.
The author succumbed himself in fear of losing the ones close to him. He wishes for that tiny moment where everything was like in the past, but acknowledging the fact that it can never happen and so instead he wished something else.
Something else.
And he aspires to live his life like Muhammad, with a slight drop of John Lennon's attributes. Gosh he needs that book by John Lennon.
Quoting from his book, In His Own Write, "And yoko was the one that saved me from this boredom. She is perfect. Personality, and the Oriental Eyes."
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Melawan Kesepian aka Fighting the quietness
(Whatever that happens)
Berjalanlah tanpa henti
(Keep walking without stopping)
Airmata tertahan
(Tears are hold back)
Waktu untuk dijatuhkan
(When can it fall)
Nanti kita kan tahu
(Later we will know)
Betapa bijaknya hidup
(How clever life runs)
Sepahit apa pun ini
(No matter how bitter it is)
Pelajaran yang bererti
(Its a lesson to be learnt)
Semoga kepergianmu
(May your departure)
Tak akan merubah apa pun
(Would not change anything)
Semoga mampu ku lawan
(May I can fight the quietness)
(musid bridge)
Nanti kita kan tahu
(Later we will know)
Betapa bijaknya hidup
(How clever life runs)
Sepahit apa pun ini
(No matter how bitter it is)
Pelajaran yang bererti
(Its a lesson to be learnt)
Semoga kepergianmu
(May your departure)
Tak akan merubah apa pun
(Would not change anything)
Semoga mampu ku lawan
(May I can fight the quietness)
Apapun yang terjadi
(Whatever that happens)
Berjalanlah tanpa henti
(Keep walking without stopping)
Ps:Gosh this song really touch me. And that 'departure' kinda remind me of someone.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Buto Clan
This is my clan.
The Buto Clan.
And so far, I have 10 members in it haha. Soon, 55000 people will be in my grasp!!!
I shall fine myself a good logo for our clan, I gave that particular job to my newly-appointed VP Taufiq Omar haha!
Do add them up and join in the nonsense! If you have been to a stadium before with a crowd of 50,000 watching the Lions try to eat up their prey, then by all means, embody yourself with the power of that single word that sent many Vietnamese in fear. Take a look at this clip and you will understand how powerful it is.
I swear even the apek and the makcik and the xiao ti ti and the xiao mei mei, not the mention the uncle selling magnolia ice cream was shouting that word when you hear that familiar horn sound.
"Pet pet, pet pet pet. Pet pet pet pet!"
Fill up the word that comes after this sentence yourself. You can make a difference in your life. Forget about the fear of rioting. Forget about pain and backstabbing collegues out for your bonuses. Forget about the angst and trauma of life. Let your heart be free, and express what you feel in that single word that drove many Singaporeans into a sea of fanatical frenzy.
And on top of that, I have a new computer. Now all I need is to collect the money wanpee owe me since 06102007. Goodness. If I were to put that some in the bank I cud get 0.5% of interest already. Well, kalau orang dah sesak nak buat camaner kan. Haha, I myself have faced this similar situation before. Not the money borrowing haha. Im more of a money lender, cuz I think alhamdulilah Im financially stable within my means. :) I had to walked from CCK back to Senja Rd my crib just coz my NETS was rejected when I was toping up my EZ link card.
Besides, having a supercomputer is necessary. My dad is currently taking a diploma in media design and I myself am gonna go university next year. So yeah, my house must be ready, fully equipped with the basic facilities for future use. Hahaha!
I have a question for you. Do you think Singapore's lost to the underdog Vietnam was attributed to Agu Cashmir, the lone toothless striker that suffered many angst and boos from the strong 55,000 men and women of the Buto Clan, or is it the Spore Coach losing his touch in tactics after we see major changes in the team's reserve that actually caused the goal, or is it the Vietnamese dirty tactics of drama mama that caused the Lions to be out of focused?
Im still clueless as to how they play. I watched on Youtube the Legend Lions, made up of few old timers like Fandi Ahmad, Abbas Saad, Sundra Murthi, and etc.
Look at how they play. Top class. Look at how Singapore plays now. Like my JC team. Hahha. Sembarang je main.
I think its also a blessing in disguise. Come to think of it, many apek and pakcik who buy number or into soccer gambling got their lessons learnt. They lost quite bad. I heard the security uncle lost 2000 bux already. Haha, padan muke.
Its been a boring day. I guess that's about it.
"Pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet pet!"
PS: Diana is leaving this 12th Jan to Sweden for a year. Another close friend going away. Darn.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
It went well I thought. Its been so long since I dated someone. At first I knew I could bring THE hazlami out. But suddenly years of confidence and experience on dating when straight down to my gnarl hole after seeing her standing there waiting to be greeted by me. Back to the lab again Haz.. Goodness. Suddenly I was a nubey.
After watching YES-man we had a cuppa of ice cream at bnj when I saw Yusri and his fellowship which I thought I've seen them somewhere before but after introducing me to his crew I found out they were AJcians. Haha. Well, I have a weak memory cache. Blame it on me.
I love it when I do the 'people analysing' game on her. She was like, 'what the crap is he talking about' and her face has words written on her like, 'Is this guy for real?'. Clearly, it was only 85% accurate, and the previous bugger whom I tested this test rated it 94%, so where's the flaw in it? Hahaha, I must consult Taha in this matter, maybe he can find the missing 15%.
But really, she is uniquely simple. And sometimes in simplicity lies the key to many wonders. What would you say if all you need to do is just think, smile, and make a decision? You do not need to weigh too much the pros and cons. Just follow your mood and heart. That's what I call, simply magnificent. Its really rare. And she has that superb calibre. And I always think women are very very complicated. Perhaps not all of them are. :)
I have a few issues I really need to discuss about the Singapore match that I and my bro and his Maryam attended. And also about this nonsensical song Im playing by the Beatles. But I have to go. Work's a bitch, and bitches started at 10pm. Darn.
PS: I ain't the Eggman, you're the eggman, but I AM THE WALRUS!! I like the walrus. Big teeth to munch upon baby Arfan's cheek hehe. :p
PPS: I know you're reading this, after reading my msg im about to sent to ya later. :) Nice or not my blog? hehe..
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Friends or Foes
I feel like a prostitute. Maybe this is how those girls at Geylang feel. Fuck.
I wonder how it really feels to be like Peter Petrelli. He is dumb and naive, gullible and, yet again, proven to be a useful tool, but having a heart of gold, that doesn't minus off the negative character. In the book I read somewhere, they say people need STRONG people not NICE people. Well, fuck the book.
I will change my hp soon. I'll cut myself from the world. The world that likes to take opportunities off people. A world where all they need is just me and my stupid antics to say 'tomorrow is going to be ok yeah?'.
I will try to be selfish in my order. Be selfish to be so-called 'strong'.
Well, I guess im just a plain loser trying to find the truth about life and how it runs and am willing to share it to people but people just listen to it for conveniences, and then they just keep digging me like im some kind of a gold mine.
I have a word for all of this. You people want strong people? Go ahead. Please me.
The author is pissed at his inapt to lead a normal life. Sigh, here we go again.
He wishes to be somewhere leading a quiet hermit life.
Friday, December 05, 2008
The many What's and What's not in Kumar's dehydrated impoverished torrid barren brain.
So how about I blog about what I feel for a change eh? After viewing my back dated posts that truly portrayed the 'kekentalan' side of me, I saw a change in tone of speech, convey of message in terms of purpose and essence, the sudden extinction of malay poems written by me, and the way I type. It was like, "Woah! Shit. I did grew up after all. At least when they say I look 17, or wadever, I have something under my sleeve to rebut. " Haha!
Needless to say, age does come with maturity. BUT. Age doesn't justify the level of maturity. In fact, you cannot justify anything in this world. The more questions you come up with, the more questions you think rather than solutions waltzing through the millions of what's and what's not.
Like, what is that old woman doing?
She is digging her nose.
Or maybe in logical terms, she is clearing her airway.
Oh, to breathe better?
But why need to breathe better?
Cuz humans cannot survive 2 minutes without air, putting it the first in line in front of water. DUH~
Why do humans need to survive? Why humans need air to survive? Why can't humans survive on water like fishes? Why? Why? Why....?
The true underlying question would be:
What are you trying to ask?
The answer is a question.
What is life?
So as you can see the journey of speech and thought dwells upon the facts, then the logic behind the facts, then the explanation behind the logic, and then the it boils down to one basic question.
Who created such complex system, and why.
It is widely discussed by many theologians and philosophers, that the doctrines of humanity in search of the true meaning of existence and relating themselves to find the core of all reasons-the birth of the universe and the purpose of its birth, is of universal entity. Meaning to say, it is a norm. Scientists work hard to seek such understanding, and while many may argue that science in general is able to answer the many questions that was once deemed, 'religiously benifitting or God-is-the-one-responsible-related subjects', all they did is knowing the mechanics behind the system. But the reason of creation? I myself am mused by such deep thought.
I had a conversation with dad regarding Nur Muhammad, how it coincides with Stephen Hawkings theory of particle creation and big bang. I am still in deep thought about it. But he did mention that for one to acquire such divine knowledge, one must be cleansed from the sickness of the heart.
And my heart is still having major hiccups, not to mention the jealous flu and anger fever. HaaaaCHOOO!
Haha. Im sick in the mind. I think I think to much.
So dun think.
I was hoping you'd say that. But yeah, my curiosity mojo is at full charge everytime so I must know, no matter what. Haha. That doesn't mean im kaypoh.
But seriously, Im facing the dumb syndrome, usually affecting those victims who lack the time spent on the discussion of controversial issues, or intellectual inquisitions, or perhaps, the downsizing of his/her intellectual friends that makes his/her capacity to acquire scintillating information. That'll make me socially inapt. Darn.
The only 'intellectual' person I can refer to at work is my kakak eileen. I know she is reading my blog, haha, and dun kembang eh I praise u, haha, but really, she'd ask me questions that'll make me go on a wild ransacking quest on my absolutely pruned brain.
Harold, if u are reading, kumar feels bored and hopes that Harold drops by his stupid shop when he is on day shift so we can go and do something crazy that'll make Kumar's head twirl once again.
Or perhaps you can give me a defibrillation procedure to jumpstart my dead heart.
Or maybe I want it to remain dead.
Kumar is losing hope on his love life, sub-consciously knowing that the population of girls with soft voices, sweet smiles, deep thoughts, and full of colour, not to mention being demure and not too revolting and daring is at the brink of extinction. He has already beginning to form the what ifs if he were to not marry.
That was when I rule the world. How I wish Im back ruling again.