Fasting month is indeed tough.
I tried restraining myself from every argument I faced, be it on facebook about metaphysical aspects of Islam, be it on the forum pages in yahoo, or anywhere.
But yesterday alhamdulilah, the outcome is a good one.
It is always a good outcome if you refer it all to the Omnipotent One, start it out with the right adab, so that the fires of the heart is not expelled. And even if it does, it is expelled out on the pretense of restraining khianah and angst in the heart, which according to our Mualim, like 'a poison dagger stab through the heart.'
It has always been islamising the process of our thinking. And carry it out with full of akhlak, adab, iman and ikhsan.
Only then can our love be amplified towards the betterment of the ummah, insya'allah.
Other than that, I hope in 4 years time Yoko churns out to be like Lady Gaga. She is absolutely hot!!!!! :p
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
swimming in the juice
I should be guilty for saying so much about Diaby. But hey, seriously, we are heading to a good start this season. Although I still insist on them bucking up on defensive, like perhaps getting a good strong midfielder, or still get a strong striker that can hold up the ball at frontline, or perhaps, just a stroke of individual brilliance.
Of course, im talking about getting:
1) Lionel Messi
2) Vandervart
3) Xavi
These players can make it happen. :D
I can't sleep. I had too much weird dreams at the moment. And I have this sudden random feeling of flying to yoko's house and take her for a flight to the moon.
As I stared and look at the stars, I asked the Angel. "What is it that is empty between the stars?"
The Angel answered, with such strength and wisdom, she said, "It is the ignorance of those who ignore the stars and beyond."
The flower pot stood still like a sullen shadow, casting a grim smile as it drop a few petals on the strawberry grass.
The boy stood aghast at such words. Words that shall haunt him for the rest of his life.
I should be guilty for saying so much about Diaby. But hey, seriously, we are heading to a good start this season. Although I still insist on them bucking up on defensive, like perhaps getting a good strong midfielder, or still get a strong striker that can hold up the ball at frontline, or perhaps, just a stroke of individual brilliance.
Of course, im talking about getting:
1) Lionel Messi
2) Vandervart
3) Xavi
These players can make it happen. :D
I can't sleep. I had too much weird dreams at the moment. And I have this sudden random feeling of flying to yoko's house and take her for a flight to the moon.
As I stared and look at the stars, I asked the Angel. "What is it that is empty between the stars?"
The Angel answered, with such strength and wisdom, she said, "It is the ignorance of those who ignore the stars and beyond."
The flower pot stood still like a sullen shadow, casting a grim smile as it drop a few petals on the strawberry grass.
The boy stood aghast at such words. Words that shall haunt him for the rest of his life.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
To shave! pussy cat!
Camp was a blast I guess.. but seriously I think without the likes of Harold and Kumar there won't be much of a fun! HAHA!
And to think that Harold even went to my grand dad's house to read tahlil with my family. Although I must say it seems a bit odd to bring a friend, but his my best friend, so I guess that will do.
I came across an opportunity when Mr Faizal of Mendaki came to give us a talk on Mendaki. Although it is not the first time im listening to Mendaki's programme, nor its the first time im hearing people enquiring about Mendaki's loan programmes and even *ahem ahem* its rather edgy criterias. But rather, im interested on the fact that it gave me just the idea to initiate something.
I was hoping I could work out two major initiatives that I deemed to be my long term projects:
1) Create a platform where passionate Malay volunteering leaders are trained to be good volunteer leaders to carry out and spread the knowledge of volunteerism to the community. I envisioned myself as the forerunners who brought the understanding of the purpose of knowledge as a holistic approach to solve the problems in our Malay community. Henceforth, in order to do so, we must create a breed of volunteers trained to inspire, develop, and nurture more leaders. Thus, a focused project that focuses primarily on the development of volunteer leaders would certainly inject 'quality' rather than 'quantity'.
2) Create a blueprint in which Muslims can manifest upon the 'RAHMATIL LIL ALAMIN' fund that was created recently by MUIS. Perhaps there could exist a linking bridge between the donated funds of RLA and the zakat recipients of FISABILILLAH and RIQAB. Insya'allah, further research would be carried out to identify the availability of such linkage. This is definitely helpful, as with increase of funds on these platform, perhaps there could exist a common platform for a 'Knowledge Fund' which is for every Muslim who wishes to pursue knowledge. It is important on my personal note, to have such a commodity for the Muslims in Singapore, to achieve the objectives of an ummah of excellance.
What I am basically referring to, is yes, the understanding or perhaps, the foundations of knowledge itself. The importance of knowledge in a community can be heard almost everywhere in the Muslim Worldview -from the first Surah that mentions, 'Read', through various biblical sources both quranic or hadith, to the enormity of philosophical theologies of education. However, much to our dismay, it is from that lack of understanding of the importance of knowledge that has brought about calamatic droughts to our already broken ummah. It was saddening to see many Malay/Muslin families still suffering with debts, broken societal bonds, and many other detailed rapture that has created an aura of negativity around the Malay/Muslim community here. It is upon this stereotype, or should I clearly define it as, a common stigma, that I see imperative to be discussed on an intellectual level, and act upon as such.
The importance of the understanding of knowledge can be broken down into a few major parts:
1) the influencing power of knowledge and its effects on the community
2) akhlak as a tool to master the powers of knowledge
3) the differentiation of knowledge (Western Ideas v/s Islamic Worldview) and how it is already influencing us and how it can influence
4) the relevance in understanding the importance of knowledge
It is only then, can I justify a story that was shared to me by someone.
The pig, having given birth to many piglings, decided to approach the lion who was taking a nap under a tree. The pig awakened the lion with an arrogant snort, "What are you doing Lion? Look at me, I have a lot of children! So one day I can rule this Island with it."
The Lion, truly oblivious with the pig's presence, merely murmured, "Look at my two sons. They are warriors."
Moral of the story?
Quality v/s Quantity. You give it a thought. :)
PS: Im still laughing at how Harold threw those balloons at him. Goodness, what pure brute and anger. HAHAHAHAHAHA! marah nampak? marah nampak? :p
and aku tak nak tgk G.I Joe. Merepek jer. Maner ade pompuan HOT masok army. Tengok dia pegang pistol jer cam seram, takot2 tertembak diri sendiri HAHAHA!
Now for some rock n' roll..
And to think that Harold even went to my grand dad's house to read tahlil with my family. Although I must say it seems a bit odd to bring a friend, but his my best friend, so I guess that will do.
I came across an opportunity when Mr Faizal of Mendaki came to give us a talk on Mendaki. Although it is not the first time im listening to Mendaki's programme, nor its the first time im hearing people enquiring about Mendaki's loan programmes and even *ahem ahem* its rather edgy criterias. But rather, im interested on the fact that it gave me just the idea to initiate something.
I was hoping I could work out two major initiatives that I deemed to be my long term projects:
1) Create a platform where passionate Malay volunteering leaders are trained to be good volunteer leaders to carry out and spread the knowledge of volunteerism to the community. I envisioned myself as the forerunners who brought the understanding of the purpose of knowledge as a holistic approach to solve the problems in our Malay community. Henceforth, in order to do so, we must create a breed of volunteers trained to inspire, develop, and nurture more leaders. Thus, a focused project that focuses primarily on the development of volunteer leaders would certainly inject 'quality' rather than 'quantity'.
2) Create a blueprint in which Muslims can manifest upon the 'RAHMATIL LIL ALAMIN' fund that was created recently by MUIS. Perhaps there could exist a linking bridge between the donated funds of RLA and the zakat recipients of FISABILILLAH and RIQAB. Insya'allah, further research would be carried out to identify the availability of such linkage. This is definitely helpful, as with increase of funds on these platform, perhaps there could exist a common platform for a 'Knowledge Fund' which is for every Muslim who wishes to pursue knowledge. It is important on my personal note, to have such a commodity for the Muslims in Singapore, to achieve the objectives of an ummah of excellance.
What I am basically referring to, is yes, the understanding or perhaps, the foundations of knowledge itself. The importance of knowledge in a community can be heard almost everywhere in the Muslim Worldview -from the first Surah that mentions, 'Read', through various biblical sources both quranic or hadith, to the enormity of philosophical theologies of education. However, much to our dismay, it is from that lack of understanding of the importance of knowledge that has brought about calamatic droughts to our already broken ummah. It was saddening to see many Malay/Muslin families still suffering with debts, broken societal bonds, and many other detailed rapture that has created an aura of negativity around the Malay/Muslim community here. It is upon this stereotype, or should I clearly define it as, a common stigma, that I see imperative to be discussed on an intellectual level, and act upon as such.
The importance of the understanding of knowledge can be broken down into a few major parts:
1) the influencing power of knowledge and its effects on the community
2) akhlak as a tool to master the powers of knowledge
3) the differentiation of knowledge (Western Ideas v/s Islamic Worldview) and how it is already influencing us and how it can influence
4) the relevance in understanding the importance of knowledge
It is only then, can I justify a story that was shared to me by someone.
The pig, having given birth to many piglings, decided to approach the lion who was taking a nap under a tree. The pig awakened the lion with an arrogant snort, "What are you doing Lion? Look at me, I have a lot of children! So one day I can rule this Island with it."
The Lion, truly oblivious with the pig's presence, merely murmured, "Look at my two sons. They are warriors."
Moral of the story?
Quality v/s Quantity. You give it a thought. :)
PS: Im still laughing at how Harold threw those balloons at him. Goodness, what pure brute and anger. HAHAHAHAHAHA! marah nampak? marah nampak? :p
and aku tak nak tgk G.I Joe. Merepek jer. Maner ade pompuan HOT masok army. Tengok dia pegang pistol jer cam seram, takot2 tertembak diri sendiri HAHAHA!
Now for some rock n' roll..
Saturday, August 15, 2009
An Individual for the society
I cannot sleep. I am still thinking about the many questions in my brain.
How can I be possible to help others when I alone am not good enough for it?
Many would say that it is my selfish attempt, perhaps an excuse, to explain my lack of societal responsibilities.
Actually, I dun care what people would say.
Somebody wise told me, you would be judge by God as an individual and not as a collective group of individuals. Needless to say, it is my own actions, my actions alone, that will determine the outcome of my ambiguous life.
So im now asking myself again. What is my purpose in this life?
And I need to stick to it. No point influencing others, sharing them what are my thoughts, when they themselves do not understand. No point blabbering about socio politics and islamic perspectives in a society when I myself am wronged and imperfect. No point trying to convince others to see the dual-partner of an angle in order to achieve some sort of understanding. No point.
Simply because, Im not good enough. And I am deviating, and keep deviating, from my purpose in this world.
I am but a small dirt in the eyes of God. :(
Hati hiba mengenangkan dosa2 yg ku lakukan,
Oh Tuhan Maha Kuasa,
Terima taubat hamba berdosa...
Ku akui kelemahan diri,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x.....
Taubatku ini.....
Telah aku merasakan derita jiwa dan perasaan,
Kerana hilang dari jalan menuju redhaMu ya Tuhan.
Ku akui kelemahan ini,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x...
Taubatku ini...
How can I be possible to help others when I alone am not good enough for it?
Many would say that it is my selfish attempt, perhaps an excuse, to explain my lack of societal responsibilities.
Actually, I dun care what people would say.
Somebody wise told me, you would be judge by God as an individual and not as a collective group of individuals. Needless to say, it is my own actions, my actions alone, that will determine the outcome of my ambiguous life.
So im now asking myself again. What is my purpose in this life?
And I need to stick to it. No point influencing others, sharing them what are my thoughts, when they themselves do not understand. No point blabbering about socio politics and islamic perspectives in a society when I myself am wronged and imperfect. No point trying to convince others to see the dual-partner of an angle in order to achieve some sort of understanding. No point.
Simply because, Im not good enough. And I am deviating, and keep deviating, from my purpose in this world.
I am but a small dirt in the eyes of God. :(
Hati hiba mengenangkan dosa2 yg ku lakukan,
Oh Tuhan Maha Kuasa,
Terima taubat hamba berdosa...
Ku akui kelemahan diri,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x.....
Taubatku ini.....
Telah aku merasakan derita jiwa dan perasaan,
Kerana hilang dari jalan menuju redhaMu ya Tuhan.
Ku akui kelemahan ini,
Ku insafi kekurangan ini,
Ku kesali kejahilan ini,
Terimalah 3x...
Taubatku ini...
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
ignorance lies in blindness
I feel crap. Sometimes I just want to be among the ignorant.
Today I choose to be ignorant. Only today.
And I pity those people who do not appreciate others, especially to those who put their heart and soul to it. I pity them for being blinded by their selfish greeds and incomprehensible methodology of thinking. I pity them for not having the zest, spirit, industriously-gaining, forward-looking and the will to see more than just a form of matter.
I pity you. I pray that Allah open your heart and let you see what I see, hear what I hear, feel what I feel.. And in time.
You'll understand what is truly hidden, what is truly forbidden, and what is truly real.
Now for some good ol' rock and roll to shove away the blues...

I feel crap. Sometimes I just want to be among the ignorant.
Today I choose to be ignorant. Only today.
And I pity those people who do not appreciate others, especially to those who put their heart and soul to it. I pity them for being blinded by their selfish greeds and incomprehensible methodology of thinking. I pity them for not having the zest, spirit, industriously-gaining, forward-looking and the will to see more than just a form of matter.
I pity you. I pray that Allah open your heart and let you see what I see, hear what I hear, feel what I feel.. And in time.
You'll understand what is truly hidden, what is truly forbidden, and what is truly real.
Now for some good ol' rock and roll to shove away the blues...
I carry a madness
Everywhere I go
Over the border
and back to the snow
So if you see me
and I look right through
You shouldn't take it
as a reflection on you
Come on, turn up the sun
Turn it up for everyone
Love one another
Love one another
The boys in the bubble
They wanna be free
They got so blind
That they cannot see
But I'm not your keeper
I don't have a key
I got a piano
I can't find the 'C'
Come one, turn up the sun
Turn it up for everyone
Love one another
Love one another
Come on, turn up the sun,
Turn it up, for everyone
Love one another,
Love one another.
I carry a madness
Everywhere I go
Over the border
and back to the snow
So if you see me
and I look right through
You shouldn't take it
as a reflection on you
Come on, turn up the sun
Turn it up for everyone
Love one another
Love one another
The boys in the bubble
They wanna be free
They got so blind
That they cannot see
But I'm not your keeper
I don't have a key
I got a piano
I can't find the 'C'
Come one, turn up the sun
Turn it up for everyone
Love one another
Love one another
Come on, turn up the sun,
Turn it up, for everyone
Love one another,
Love one another.

So much for "LOVE ONE ANOTHER".. bullshit.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
O Heedless Soul
Taken from Nash's blog (, it struck me very very deep.
Enjoy. :)
Enjoy. :)
O Heedless Soul,how fooled are You?
You came into this World with Having Nothing
Yet You claim to be Superior
Shame on You
Arrogance and Pride defines You
In Your Pocket,filled with Money
None is spend wisely in the Way of God
You foolishly claim that You're Rich
You came from Clay and end up with Clay
You thought all Along,You were Clean
Not Knowing That You are just filled with Filth
You still want to have Claims about Yourself?
God asked that You praised His Beloved s.a.w
But You idolize All the Others except Him s.a.w
You shouted Out Names of Artists
But when comes to Saluting Him,Your Mouth Freeze
You furnishes Your Outer Self with Materialism
Yet Your Inner Soul still continue to Darken with Time
Your Thoughts are filled with Worldly Desires
Of the Hereafter,You care Not
You boasts of Your Wealth and Ranking
So Dumbed that You failed to Realize that
You came into this World with Having Nothing
Yet You claim to be Superior
Shame on You
Arrogance and Pride defines You
In Your Pocket,filled with Money
None is spend wisely in the Way of God
You foolishly claim that You're Rich
You came from Clay and end up with Clay
You thought all Along,You were Clean
Not Knowing That You are just filled with Filth
You still want to have Claims about Yourself?
God asked that You praised His Beloved s.a.w
But You idolize All the Others except Him s.a.w
You shouted Out Names of Artists
But when comes to Saluting Him,Your Mouth Freeze
You furnishes Your Outer Self with Materialism
Yet Your Inner Soul still continue to Darken with Time
Your Thoughts are filled with Worldly Desires
Of the Hereafter,You care Not
You boasts of Your Wealth and Ranking
So Dumbed that You failed to Realize that
You are just of No Worth
You give No Credits to the Almighty
Who Gives You Sufficient Provisions to make You Sustainable
Saturday, August 01, 2009
A Strawberry Poem For Yoko

Imagine a world without fear
where all of the realms of the roses collide
in clouds of alchemy and dust
and strawberry drops pitter pattering down on our necks
and strawberry puddles to ponder
Imagine a world without love
where all the darkness shudder
in clouds of alchemy and dust
and strawberry drops battering down on our necks
and strawberry puddles to wonder
Imagine a world without you
I cannot bear such a strawberry delight...
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