Sunday, August 23, 2009

swimming in the juice


I should be guilty for saying so much about Diaby. But hey, seriously, we are heading to a good start this season. Although I still insist on them bucking up on defensive, like perhaps getting a good strong midfielder, or still get a strong striker that can hold up the ball at frontline, or perhaps, just a stroke of individual brilliance.

Of course, im talking about getting:

1) Lionel Messi
2) Vandervart
3) Xavi

These players can make it happen. :D

I can't sleep. I had too much weird dreams at the moment. And I have this sudden random feeling of flying to yoko's house and take her for a flight to the moon.


As I stared and look at the stars, I asked the Angel. "What is it that is empty between the stars?"

The Angel answered, with such strength and wisdom, she said, "It is the ignorance of those who ignore the stars and beyond."

The flower pot stood still like a sullen shadow, casting a grim smile as it drop a few petals on the strawberry grass.

The boy stood aghast at such words. Words that shall haunt him for the rest of his life.

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