25th September 2007 marks the end of my TEEN-anger era and blossom the new adulthood twen-TY life..
Still one more step to total complete 21 years of age, when a man cums on full fledge dogfighting species!
Tk caya plak aku dah masok 20, tua nye aku haha..
Tapi muka tetap maintain muda, yelar, pakai awet muda pe hahaha! *slaps forehead*
Aku nye janji sempena hari bahgia ini ialah:
1) More wiser
2) Perangai tk mcm budak2
3) Dengar kata ibu bapa
4) Kuat ibadah kpd Allah
5) Kuat semangat pabila ujian melanda
6) Jadi manusia yg dicontohi masyarakat
7) Jadi hubby yg bertanggungjawab atas honey nya hehe!
8) Kemas bilik aku dgn lebih rapi lagi
9) Kumpul duit untuk masa hadapan
10) Beli gue nyer ELECTRIC GUITAR masa musim Krismas complete dengan amplifier power
11) Beli perabot2 yg sepatotnya untuk me-revamp bilik aku yg tonggang tebalik
12) Tidak memboros
13) Teruskan tabiat gaya hidup sihat
14) Berbakti kpd keluarga
15) Tau selok-belok perjalanan di Orchard
16) Atur hidop aku agar masa depan aku taklar tersasar dari matlamat 2011 aku
17) Bersabar lebih banyak
18) Berkhidmat pada negara (ni susah sedikit, aku pasti tk lama lagi aku khianat ni janji muahaha)
19) Menjinakkan diri dengan hobi membaca buku (aku ni memang pemalas orgnyer!)
20) Meninjau hidup aku luar dari mainstream hidup org singapura (untuk masa depan aku)
Haha, itulah dia, DUA PULUH janji sempena hari lahirku yg ke DUA PULUH! SYABAS!
Back to ystd.
Ystd honey had arranged for me the bestest bdae i EVER had in my whole life. Sumpah, aku tk penah menyambut hari lahir aku dgn hadiah, haha, sedih kan?
I was so shocked i became like numb for a while, den the smile came in late with a bit of tears here n there *awwwww*.
Pd tepat pukul 1215hrs, I receive a bdae cake with her pic on it from dis apek hahaha!
And it taste so nice my family had second helping!!
(oh, and i had my third filling at midnight hehe, shhh!)
The cake is complete with loads of nice finger licking mouth watering chocolate, thou there is no wafers like the first, but its still unique as the layers are all packed with nice yummy chocolate!
Then the nxt suprise came ard 1530hrs.
I was looking at this long box of dunno wad things as i signed the papers.
Wondering wads inside *thinking naughtily hehe* I braved myself for another deep into the pool of excitement!
Jeng jeng jeng!!
The sugar frost are so nice! :))
Its from this shop I've never been at Renaldo's!
Its so nice..
Then buka posa I adalah busy org tu asek msg I "cepat! =p", haish, org aderlah sebok dgn memasak NASI AYAM (aku tau masak ler!) org tu asek ckp je, hahaha, jgn marah har..
All finish, I n sum help from the lazy ones laid the table, just in time for the maghrib azan.
Only got a small space for the struddle, tu pon I cut it into half, then I microwave it haha.
That's a bad move i must say, for the apple sauce inside melted hahaha!
My dad ate it like makan nasi hahaha! But the comments are all the same - absolutely super!
After terawih, I cut the cake and served them, my dad ate them without any comment AT FIRST cuz he was busily watching tv (guys duh *slaps forehead*). After the tv show, he secretly went in for second helping hahaha!
Then we talked on the phone, u n I, it was very nice ayg, so touching..
PS: I love you more than ever!
Then buka posa I adalah busy org tu asek msg I "cepat! =p", haish, org aderlah sebok dgn memasak NASI AYAM (aku tau masak ler!) org tu asek ckp je, hahaha, jgn marah har..
All finish, I n sum help from the lazy ones laid the table, just in time for the maghrib azan.
Only got a small space for the struddle, tu pon I cut it into half, then I microwave it haha.
That's a bad move i must say, for the apple sauce inside melted hahaha!
My dad ate it like makan nasi hahaha! But the comments are all the same - absolutely super!
After terawih, I cut the cake and served them, my dad ate them without any comment AT FIRST cuz he was busily watching tv (guys duh *slaps forehead*). After the tv show, he secretly went in for second helping hahaha!
Then we talked on the phone, u n I, it was very nice ayg, so touching..
PS: I love you more than ever!
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