Friday, December 05, 2008

The many What's and What's not in Kumar's dehydrated impoverished torrid barren brain.

I realise that I have not been blogging. So since im doing nothing, and honestly speaking, I cannot think of a topic to blog about other than these topics that im still working on- 'Muslim Unity in question' and 'Controversial Issues relating Religion and Worklife'.

So how about I blog about what I feel for a change eh? After viewing my back dated posts that truly portrayed the 'kekentalan' side of me, I saw a change in tone of speech, convey of message in terms of purpose and essence, the sudden extinction of malay poems written by me, and the way I type. It was like, "Woah! Shit. I did grew up after all. At least when they say I look 17, or wadever, I have something under my sleeve to rebut. " Haha!

Needless to say, age does come with maturity. BUT. Age doesn't justify the level of maturity. In fact, you cannot justify anything in this world. The more questions you come up with, the more questions you think rather than solutions waltzing through the millions of what's and what's not.

Like, what is that old woman doing?

She is digging her nose.




Or maybe in logical terms, she is clearing her airway.


Oh, to breathe better?

But why need to breathe better?

Cuz humans cannot survive 2 minutes without air, putting it the first in line in front of water. DUH~

Why do humans need to survive? Why humans need air to survive? Why can't humans survive on water like fishes? Why? Why? Why....?

The true underlying question would be:

What are you trying to ask?

The answer is a question.

What is life?

So as you can see the journey of speech and thought dwells upon the facts, then the logic behind the facts, then the explanation behind the logic, and then the it boils down to one basic question.

Who created such complex system, and why.

It is widely discussed by many theologians and philosophers, that the doctrines of humanity in search of the true meaning of existence and relating themselves to find the core of all reasons-the birth of the universe and the purpose of its birth, is of universal entity. Meaning to say, it is a norm. Scientists work hard to seek such understanding, and while many may argue that science in general is able to answer the many questions that was once deemed, 'religiously benifitting or God-is-the-one-responsible-related subjects', all they did is knowing the mechanics behind the system. But the reason of creation? I myself am mused by such deep thought.

I had a conversation with dad regarding Nur Muhammad, how it coincides with Stephen Hawkings theory of particle creation and big bang. I am still in deep thought about it. But he did mention that for one to acquire such divine knowledge, one must be cleansed from the sickness of the heart.

And my heart is still having major hiccups, not to mention the jealous flu and anger fever. HaaaaCHOOO!

Haha. Im sick in the mind. I think I think to much.

So dun think.

I was hoping you'd say that. But yeah, my curiosity mojo is at full charge everytime so I must know, no matter what. Haha. That doesn't mean im kaypoh.

But seriously, Im facing the dumb syndrome, usually affecting those victims who lack the time spent on the discussion of controversial issues, or intellectual inquisitions, or perhaps, the downsizing of his/her intellectual friends that makes his/her capacity to acquire scintillating information. That'll make me socially inapt. Darn.

The only 'intellectual' person I can refer to at work is my kakak eileen. I know she is reading my blog, haha, and dun kembang eh I praise u, haha, but really, she'd ask me questions that'll make me go on a wild ransacking quest on my absolutely pruned brain.

Harold, if u are reading, kumar feels bored and hopes that Harold drops by his stupid shop when he is on day shift so we can go and do something crazy that'll make Kumar's head twirl once again.

Or perhaps you can give me a defibrillation procedure to jumpstart my dead heart.

Or maybe I want it to remain dead.

Kumar is losing hope on his love life, sub-consciously knowing that the population of girls with soft voices, sweet smiles, deep thoughts, and full of colour, not to mention being demure and not too revolting and daring is at the brink of extinction. He has already beginning to form the what ifs if he were to not marry.

That was when I rule the world. How I wish Im back ruling again.

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