Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hallows v/s Horcruxes

I finished reading all 10 books including my fav Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, not to mention the thick book my dad gave it to me called, "Tasawuf and Science" as material resource for my students. Frankly speaking, its really tough and stressful to be in front of many mu'allafs that are of different background, each having their own questions. They are like small children- curious about the religion that bore on them. However, few would make my mind go fuzzy with difficult questions like, "How do you explain Muhammad's ascend to God with respect to Science?" and "If Muhammad is ascending, then is God above us? If that's the case, then who guards the bottom?" It is in such that I find difficulties, especially when it involves the metaphysics of it. One wrong answer, and poof! I'll be questioned by Him at thereafter. Haha!

Good thing I have dad to help me out. He taught me alot. Especially how he views God and us. And how far are we from Him. Distance, in this situation, would then be defined as our knowledge of Him. Sometimes when my students asked too much questions about the Omnipotent One, especially the metaphysical perspective, I would point the question back at them. Who are we to know the secrets of God, when we are sinned? It is thus, imperative, to look into ourselves and then try and find the essence of God in us.

I find completing the Harry Potter series an ambitous attempt to seek the philosophical value of it. I always question myself, the Horcruxes, the Deathly Hallows, Love and Hate, all a mere hidden symbols to what we define as life. A person splits his soul into 7 different beings to gain immortality? How about we view it in this manner? A person splits his soul into 7 different negative characters in his quest to gain perfection? So let's then discuss the 7 evil beings.

1) Anger
2) Jelousy
3) Love for the Earthly Pleasures
4) Riya' -proud in action
5) Takkabur- making comparisons between us and people
6) Love for Complimentaion
7) Boastful

These characteristic would surely split our soul and make us evil, unworthy of God.

However, it is said that the Deathly Hallows, 3 remarkable magical items, can destroy the Horcruxes. How about we say, 3 remarkable characteristics that can help us in understanding and embracing God.

1) Iman - Faith
2) Islam - Syari'ah
3) Ikhsan - Love and empathy

Thus, with these hallows, one can surely surpass the advent of evil sparked in our hearts.

I know this may sound weird, but, let's just say, in every idea, there is a hidden code of God. It can either unite us, or simply break us. :)

Enough of values.

I remember texting my Yoko about eloping. I told her, "I just feel like kidnapping you right now and run away to explore life that awaits us."

She replied, "Well, that'll be the most craziest thing we'd gonna do."

Love is a curiously crazy little potion, I must say..


Friday, July 24, 2009

Taking a ship with niat

After 4 days of companionship, it got me into thinking of something unperturbed. And thus I seek an advise from my mum.

All she did was say, "Pray to Allah, and redha. And continue."

It was a blessing that I knew would come in handy in times of crisis.

And I knew the journey to seek the truth we have embarked together won't come cheap and easy. So I entrusted this to Allah, and will try my very best to serve as His slave.

I knew she is the one. And fits perfectly. Like a jigsaw puzzle.

And here I am blogging while listening to my mum reading the quran. Haha!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I asked her, "Ma, what is it in the Quran that you see?"

She replied in an almost trance-like, "I am reading the soul of the Quran. Not the kalimah."

Moral of the story? Read with your heart, and not just your brain. :)


When you see the world, don't just see it with your eyes. When you hear the sounds of the world, don't just listen with your ears. When you touch the painted illusions of the world, don't just touch it with your hands. When you commune with the world, don't just talk with your mouth. When you sniff on the array of fragrances of the world, don't just smell it with your nose. It is in such that makes you blind.

What you need is to see with your heart. Smell with your heart, taste, hear, talk, and touch it with. And soon you'll realise you are in total communion with your soul. And of course, the soul of the world.

On the other hand..

I’m seeing a whole
Nother world in my mind
girl I'm feeling
an' breathing in love all the time

you turn me on, love’s like a bomb, blowing my mind
you turn me on, love’s like a bomb, blowing my mind

am i reaching the world
that i want deep inside
girl i mean it
and you hold the key to the shrine

cos turn me on, love’s like a bomb, blowing my mind
you turn me on, love’s like a bomb, blowing my mind

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A milestone

After a year plus long battle against finding my own identity and proper placing in this world..

After a year plus long battle in search of an essence of humanity..

After a year plus long battle to free myself from my own cage..

I am at last..


It is a thus, a blessed moment I shall never forget. It is the greatest feeling. I always wished that I was longed. I knew God longed for me as how I longed for Him. But coming from a human's heart... Truly a magical miracle. :)

I have found my own Yoko Ono.

And we shall walk through the rainbow peels, unperturbed by the icy winds that continued floating the air.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A confession

Afgan – Bukan Cinta Biasa (OST Bukan Cinta Biasa)

Kali ini kusadari
Aku telah jatuh cinta
Dari hatiku terdalam
Sungguh aku cinta padamu

Cintaku bukanlah cinta biasa
Jika kamu yang memiliki
Dan kamu yang temaniku seumur hidupku

Terimalah pengakuanku
Percayalah kepadaku
Semua ini kulakukan
Karena kamu memang untukku

Cinta ku bukan cinta biasa
Jika kamu yang menemani
Dan kamu yang temaniku seumur hidupku
Terimalah pengakuanku

This is my confession. :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

You Are My Magic Pie- An Euphoria Of Rock n Roll

A written thought of a certain strain of randomness.
Inspired by: Oasis, Magic Pie, 04:15 to 05:13, and staring at a filtered screen.

A taste of tasteless affinity.
A strum of melodious soul.

An endless search of the limitless unlimited.

And here we are standing in this strawBEERy fields.

Running across the rainbow peels.

Casting no shadow nor light.

In the eye of a thousand corridors.

Each with a thousand doors.

Each with a thousand holes to peek.

Hail the curiosity of tainted illusions forever seek.

Indeed as such lies love on a silver screen.

And I do not need marijuanas to be high enough to be in my strawberry fields. It sort of creep into my mind like a sign of a once-hidden time never before climbed. And all I did was take a bite on my magic pie that makes me wanna fly in the sky so high. My magic pie. :)

The more I see the less I know for sure. ~ John Lennon

Just trying to find my Yoko Ono to play on my strawberry swing in the fields that never seen to possess the capsule of time. Time melts. Morning brews. And till then, the sky will always be blue. Then we can sit under the strawberry tree and wander among the dreams of tomorrow. (adapted from The Angel, the Rose and Me)

Im weird. Im told. And I love it.

Now to dwell on my imagination...

Who kicks a hole in the sky, so the heavens will cry over me..
Who stole the soul from the sun, in a world come undone at the seams..

It seems to me the 'Who' is actually a thing. A human heart. Perhaps my view has changed. Humans are walking things. They are the transporter, carrier of the 'thing' that makes them human. But so many people have yet to see it as I do. If they do, perhaps, the world would be a better place for you and for me.