Wednesday, May 18, 2005

A bunch of roses among the thorns..

I wanna say thank you to these people who have persistently help me grow up and be the person i ought i shud be.

1) My exco loveable mates. SULIYATI, FARHANA, MUNIRAH, and not to forget, SHAHEELA for the constructive feedback and the many helping hands. I will promise you i'll do my best in this last league of the race.=)

2) My brother. Big brother Hasanul Arifin. For giving me the strength to further my studies. And thx ya, for the tix KINGDOM OF HEAVEN!! I hope i can make you proud. =)

3) My teachers, Ms Sabariah and all. Thx for your guidance! Love ya all.. I hope i can bring glory to the school and be a good person to the society.

4) My dearest best friend, Nadiah Binte Basiron (notice the 'binte'?? hahaha). Thx for being there during my darkest hours. Even if the darkest clouds is still there, i know u are there for me. Friends forever aite?? Jemput aku kalau kau dah kahwin 'MIMI' muahahaha

5) My peeps in school, the soccer boys, Khai, my 26/04, my fan club 29/04, MLDDS, bball girls, Diana, and the rest of all who supported me during the AJ IDOL. Thx to yal, i realized my dreams, big smile for you all =)

6) To my family, for all the love and care. Dunno wad to say lar, cuz my brain is full of things! haha, love ya!

Thts all??

All tat knew me larh.

Why the sudden thanksgiving?? i oso dunno. I just feel like shit lar, and perhaps by appreciating others, ppl wud appreciate my existence.

Im scared. Never felt like this before.

Duncha wori aite, my dearest GOOD FREND. Your mum will be ok, i promise aite? i know its hard on u, but wadever it is, my prayers will always be of guidance to ya.

Im going crazy. Wads wrong wimme? Im like so scared. So worried. So tense. So withdrawn. Why???

Hmm.. Be yourself day wud be a blast. Will be singing like a jukebox. Summore with Rasyidah hahaha. I find her sumwad a very cool gurl, tk penah nmpk pompuan jenis gini ar, hahaha.

Hmm.. Looking forward to it, ya dats it.


My heart is still in pain, my brain weaken by the onslaught of truth. Gimme some strength, oh Lord.

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