Sunday, September 14, 2008

Life in DFS

I got to admit, time pass very fast the moment my life is filled up with work. There isn't any interesting things happening, so I guess tt's the reason why I don't actually blog much. Most of the stuff I think about happen in the 190 bus on my way to work, or im stoning in that cold relentless air-con driven arrival hall waiting to greet the hordes of PRC and Japanese people.

I keep walking past the swatch department, looking at that lil piece of assortment called watch, which cost a whoopping 316 bux. With my staff disct, I still need to pay at least 200bux. Damn.

It hadn't been an interesting week. More indonesians are coming in DFS, and so my manager is pleased that im there helping to speak in their language. Its not tt hard actually.

Scanning cards, issue disct cards, do GST forms, report groups, nothing more than a bunch of systematic procedures. Gone were the days I actually fumbled the walkie talkie trying hard to remember what I need to say in order not to screw up.

Who works on SUNDAYS?!! Goodness. But im trying to hit the 3mth probation. And then im off for another adventure.

All I need is a surprise, and alot of randomness to fill in the empty cup of creativity of mine.

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