Sunday, April 27, 2008

I met Ariff to find answers. Instead, it was me posting qns. And all he could do was keeping quiet. No answers for me. So many qns but no answers.

But I'll try to pick myself up. Haji Salleh Meerasa, my Tasawuf teacher, told me something that cheered me up.

"Ini budak ada harapan. Boleh cemerlang, pasal dia sungguh-sungguh."

I dunno wad he 'saw' or what ilham he experiences, but when the maulid was over, and as we went down, my dad went to Cik Amir the guy who sponsors the maulid, and asked him for nursing books, since Cik Amir's wife is a nurse. I was kinda shocked, as I haven't receive any letters indicating my place in Nursing yet. But from the look of what Tuan Guru says, and my dad's sudden actions, I think Allah has shown some light on me. I might go Nursing.

But whatever it is, im starting to miss Dian. I kept looking at my hp. Look back at all the msges.

Tough life. Tough times ahead. :(

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