Thursday, March 06, 2008

Reply to Food for Thought

Ok, here's the deal.

1) Did you say im myopic? Yup, i am, in fact today im just about to buy a new pair of specs after I sell my hp.

2) The fact that I put expectations on people is simple. Life has its own expectations on us. God has His expectations on us written on His Holy Book. Your mum and dad has their expectations on u. How come when it comes to friends it becomes a negative thing?

Anyways, it is a good expectation. Being late is wrong. Making promises and not adhering to it is wrong. It falls under the word, 'amanah'. Amanah is a characteristic of the Prophet.

Expectation on people is necessary. It brings about a protective barrier so that you choose your friends wisely. We are not here in this world to make a fool out of ourselves. We are not here to make dunia friends. Its the akhirat friends, friends that bring you closer to God, in times when you want to have fun, he says, Hey buddy, its prayer time, let's go to the nearby mosque/surau. That is a fact. A fact of life. When you put expectations on others, people put expectations on me as well. In fact I think you say it all nicely but you yourself wun admit that you too put expectations on others. Expectations are not equivalent to judging the person. A person can never judge another person, because he/she did not create the being. Only God can, and all of us will be judge by Him in Thereafter. Some people have some certain expectation on me, it is on my part whether I wanna reach that expectation on my behalf or not, whether I need to be flexible on some issues, or stand on my fundamental principles.

Do not be emotional on this. Instead, think of it as a constructive way to help build yourself up. Im not a perfect person either. Im trying to subject myself to the absolute plan called 'The will of God'. And so you must too.

I apologise for what I did, it might be irrational, but who doesnt? :)

3) Deny the truth? Explain. What exactly is the truth? Who says it is the truth? Facts? Evidence? Logical explanation?

Truth is then basically a definition used by us humans to either strengthen our beliefs on a certain issue, or as a reason to live.

They can say that Mas Selamat is a terrorist. People say it is the truth. Some say it is not. Then truth becomes a subjective matter. Ryt?

If there are evidences to support that he is a terrorist, can it still be called 'truth'? Who provided the evidences then?

Everything in life is subjective, for the matter. Only one thing is true. That God is the Greatest, and He is Perfect.

I know you are emotional. How? It is simple. You use words like, 'How sad.." n etc, its like menyindir, or are you? Kata org, sapa makan cili, dialah yg rasa pedas.

Humans are complex, but yet there are some things that are so obvious it becomes a common trait. When people face a certain issue that deals with them, they become defensive, and being defensive itself shows a certain amount of emotional discomfort.

I apologise. And May God help us all. Amin.

PS: I got loads of pics to share. ORD nite was the best. And ya, i think the tagger is a girl. Haha. Girls. *slaps forehead* so emotional. Thats the reason why God gave the knife and the butter to man. And then man destroys the knife and the butter, thinking that he could change the world.

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